Wednesday, November 4, 2015

CMP National 3P Postal Championship

Sporter or Precision Air Rifles ONLY
Course of Fire: 3x10 (1st phase)

Phase 1:  Postal Competition
CMP sponsors a nationwide three position air rifle postal (mail-in or correspondence) competition for all junior programs including all JROTC, 4H, Boy Scouts, and junior clubs. The top shooters in these matches will qualify for the CMP Regional Championships. This is a 3x10 match and is open for both sporter and precision competitors. This phase will be shot here at Frazier Simplex in December or January. (All targets must be sent in by January 31, 2016)

Phase 2:  Regional Championships
The CMP Regional Championships will occur in three different locations around the country.  Athletes qualifying for this match Phase 1 above.  This match will consist of a practice, check-in and equipment control day followed by two days of 3x20 matches.  A final will be held on the last day for the top 8 individuals in sporter and precision.  This match is scheduled for: April 7-9, 2016 at Camp Perry, Port Clinton, OH.

Phase 3:  National Championships
The CMP National Championship is the final event in the CMP three-position air rifle championships. Qualification for this match comes from the CMP Regional Championships as well as the State 3PAR Junior Olympic matches. This match will consist of one 3x20 with finals for the top eight shooters in sporter and precision. This match is scheduled for: June 26 (sporter) & 29 (precision), 2016 at Camp Perry, Port Clinton, OH.

Fee: There is a $5 entry fee for the first phase of this tournament.
Please submit a check, payable to the Frazier Simplex Jr. Rifle Club for $5.
On the memo line write: CMP Postal Match Registration

If you are interested in shooting in this CMP match, you must sign up at the club in November. Give your check to the person at the counter to put in the envelope marked “CMP Postal Match Registrations”.

Additional Information can be found on the CMP's website at: