Saturday, October 26, 2013

2014 PA Junior Olympic Rifle Championships

Frazier Simplex Rifle Club
USA Shooting JORC

Additional matches for Small-bore will be fired at Oil City Izaak Walton's on the weekends of 1/4 & 1/11/2014 and for Air Rifle at Seitzland Jr. Rifle Club on the weekend of 12/14/2014.

Tournament Name: Frazier Simplex JORC Match
Dates of the Competitions: December 28-29, 2013
Sponsored By: Frazier Simplex Rifle Club
Jefferson Ave. (Rt 844)
Washington, PA 15317
Competition Open To: Any JUNIOR member of USA Shooting.
Go to
Entry Fee: $ 18.00 1 Gun, 2 Guns $36.00
Entry Limit: Limited to 40 Shooters for Small Bore and 40 Shooters for Air rifle.
Firing Starts:
RelaySmall-boreAir Rifle
Saturday8:00 AM10:30 AM
3:30 PM1:00 PM
Sunday8:00 AM10:30 AM
3:30 PM1:00 PM
Entry Reservations: Contact Tom Benedict to schedule relay times. Relay slots will be filled on first come first serve basis.

USA Shooting Rule will apply. We will follow the new 2013 rules.
Match Course:
50 Feet Rifle 3 Positions:
20 shots in the standing position with a 45 minute time limit.
20 shots in the prone position with a 25 minute time limit.
20 shots in the kneeling position with a 37 minute time limit.
Air Rifle
10 Meter Air Rifle
60 shot standing position-Men with a 25 minute / 20 record shots time limit.
40 shot standing position-Women with a 25 minute / 20 record shots time limit.
Small-bore: NRA/USAS-50
Air Rifle: NRA AR-5/10
Sub-Junior – (J3) to age 14 born in 2000 or later
Intermediate Junior – (J2) age 15-17 born 1997, 1998, 1999
Junior – (J1) age 18-20 born 1994, 1995, 1996
Targets will be scored by representatives of the Frazier Simplex Rifle Club.

All challenges and protests will be decided by a jury selected by the match director.

There will be a $2.00 challenge fee imposed for each target card challenged. No fee will be charged if the challenge is to verify addition of the score.

The Chief Statistical Officer will review the challenge for score. Challenged shot holes will go directly to the jury to settle the challenge, with no appeal. Shots not plugged can be plugged. Previously plugged shots will not be re-plugged. The score could go up or down on a challenge.

Coaching is prohibited.

Only competitors and Range Officer will be permitted in range during event due to limited space on range. Everyone else must remain in ready room.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

NRA Open Indoor Metric Position Smallbore Rifle Sectional Announced

Saturday, January 11 and Sunday, January 12, 2014
Frazier-Simplex Rifle Range
3049 Jefferson Ave.
Washington, PA

This is a 120 shot NRA registered national match. Junior and senior competitors are welcome. The match will consist of 40 shots in each of the prone, kneeling and standing positions. The match will be approximately 3 hours in length. PLEASE! make every effort to attend if you sign up for the match. There will be teams selected for the match. The individual score will be used for the team score. Bring your NRA Classification Card. If you do not have one make a list of your 3-P scores and bring the list with you. The NRA/USA 50 target will be used.


Individual Matches: $2.50 per competitor/ per match
Total Individual Fees including NRA Fee: $25.00*
Team Match: $14.00 per Team: $3.50 per team member*


In addition to the awards provided by the NRA, which are noted in the program, Frazier-Simplex will pay back 60% of the registration fees ( minus the NRA Fees) to the competitors distributed over Matches 1-4.

Call James Husk: 724-222-3369 for additional information and for match registration.

Or email Jim at:

*Subject to change. These fees are based on the 2013 NRA fees.