Monday, January 20, 2014

Friends of the NRA PA State Youth Summit

The State Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S.) program was started in 2002, in conjunction with National Y.E.S.. Its purpose is to introduce high school freshmen, sophomores and juniors to their state government and the roles that future generations of voters will play. A special emphasis is also placed on the benefits of firearms ownership.

States that currently host their own state Y.E.S. programs are Alaska, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Virginia. Students from these states must attend his or her state Y.E.S. before attending National Y.E.S.

Pennsylvania:  Applications are due no later than February 28! The summit will be held April 3-7, 2014. Click HERE to download an application.  Click here to download the "About 2014 Pennsylvania Y.E.S. Program" document. Contact Y.E.S. coordinator Devin DeMario at (717) 254-9944 or NRA Field Rep Kory Enck at (717) 689-3200 or with any other questions. Read about the 2013 Pennsylvania Y.E.S. program:

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Gold and 2 Silver Team medals won at the Camp Perry Open

Camp Perry Open - January 17-19, 2014
Three team medals were won during the 2014 Camp Perry Open by Junior shooters.

Silver - 3P Four Competitor Team 
Team Member Prone Standing Kneeling Aggregate
Grabowski, Ariana 197  - 13 193  - 9 195  - 14 585  - 36
Fairman, Cassidy CIV 197  - 16 190  - 5 195  - 12 582  - 33
Lovre, Matthew CIV 200  - 18 188  - 6 190  - 5 578  - 29
Benedict, Nicholle 199  - 12 189  - 6 190  - 9 578  - 27

Silver - 120 shot International Air (all standing) Three Competitor Open Team
Gold - 120 shot International Air Three Competitor Junior Team
Team Member 60 Day 1 60 Day 2 Aggregate
Grabowski, Ariana 605.7  - 0 609.6  - 0 1215.3  - 0
Benedict, Nicholle 593  - 0 604.3  - 0 1197.3  - 0
Fairman, Cassidy CIV 599  - 0 595.1  - 0 1194.1  - 0

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Frazier Simplex Jr Rifle Team wins 2nd place in 3P at the Camp Perry Open

Seven junior members and their families of the Frazier Simplex Jr Rifle Club trekked north to Camp Perry for the Camp Perry Open the weekend of January 17-19, 2014. Only one team could be formed because we needed four competitors on a team. The four that formed the team went on to win second place in the 3 position rifle tournament on Friday, January 17. Their combined score of 2323 with 125x's made up by the following:

Team MemberProneStandingKneelingAggregate
Grabowski, Ariana197  - 13 193  - 9 195  - 14 585  - 36
Fairman, Cassidy CIV 197  - 16 190  - 5 195  - 12 582  - 33
Lovre, Matthew CIV 200  - 18 188  - 6 190  - 5 578  - 29
Benedict, Nicholle 199  - 12 189  - 6 190  - 9 578  - 27 

Matt Lovre not available for this photo

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Juniors compete in the first American Legion postal match for 2014

Sporter and Precision competitors from the Frazier Simplex Junior Rifle Club competed Friday night in the first postal match to pre-qualify for the 2014 American Legion National Rifle Championships to be held this summer at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO. Three competitors decided to shot the Sporter style rifle (a rifle closely resembling one that you purchase at a sporting goods store), while eight of the competitors fired in the Precision style rifle class (the type used in the Olympic games).

Pictured above are the junior competitors with the representatives from American Legion Post 175 in Washington, PA. Back Row, L to R, Post Commander, Matt Lovre (P)recision, Kiboh Uchida (P), Noah Boltz (S)porter, Morgan Duerr (S), Mackenzie Wagner (S), Post Commander. Front Row, L to R, Christoper Thomas (P), Tommy Welch (P), Nicholle Benedict (P), Ariana Grabowski (P). Two Precision competitors not pictured, yet competed are: Luke Knollinger and Sarah Sroka.

Last year, nearly 3,000 competitors from across the nation competed in this first American Legion competition. If this year is the same, then the top 10% will be given the opportunity to compete in the second match to qualify for the National Championships at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs this summer. Fifteen of the Nation's best competitors for both Sporter and Precision will be invited to attend this competition. The American Legion covers most if not all of their expenses.

In 2006, Frazier Simplex's Tommy Santelli won the National Championship and in 2013, Ariana Grabowski from took 4th place at the Nationals.