Sunday, January 12, 2014

Juniors compete in the first American Legion postal match for 2014

Sporter and Precision competitors from the Frazier Simplex Junior Rifle Club competed Friday night in the first postal match to pre-qualify for the 2014 American Legion National Rifle Championships to be held this summer at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO. Three competitors decided to shot the Sporter style rifle (a rifle closely resembling one that you purchase at a sporting goods store), while eight of the competitors fired in the Precision style rifle class (the type used in the Olympic games).

Pictured above are the junior competitors with the representatives from American Legion Post 175 in Washington, PA. Back Row, L to R, Post Commander, Matt Lovre (P)recision, Kiboh Uchida (P), Noah Boltz (S)porter, Morgan Duerr (S), Mackenzie Wagner (S), Post Commander. Front Row, L to R, Christoper Thomas (P), Tommy Welch (P), Nicholle Benedict (P), Ariana Grabowski (P). Two Precision competitors not pictured, yet competed are: Luke Knollinger and Sarah Sroka.

Last year, nearly 3,000 competitors from across the nation competed in this first American Legion competition. If this year is the same, then the top 10% will be given the opportunity to compete in the second match to qualify for the National Championships at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs this summer. Fifteen of the Nation's best competitors for both Sporter and Precision will be invited to attend this competition. The American Legion covers most if not all of their expenses.

In 2006, Frazier Simplex's Tommy Santelli won the National Championship and in 2013, Ariana Grabowski from took 4th place at the Nationals.

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